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Subject Area Contacts

Acronym Agency Full Name
ACF Administration for Children and Families
AoA Administration on Aging
ADD Administration on Developmental Diseases
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
ASPE Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
CBO Congressional Budget Office
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DOE Department of Education
DOJ Department of Justice
DOT Department of Transportation
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Forum Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics
Federal Reserve System Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
FTC Federal Trade Commission
GAO Government Accounting Office
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
NCI National Cancer Institute
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NHLBI National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
NIAMS National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
NIA National Institute on Aging
NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
NSF National Science Foundation
OBSSR Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research
ODPHP Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
OSOPHS Office of Public Health and Science
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SSA Social Security Administration
USDA Department of Agriculture
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
Characteristic Agency Contact/Email Telephone
Census Data Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3770
Centenarians Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2378
Centenarians NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Demographics USDA Carolyn Rogers (202) 694-5436
Estimates (National) Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2385
Estimates (State) Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2385
Ethnicity/Spanish Origin Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2403
Family Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2416
Gender Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2378
Institutionalized Population Census Bureau Marcella Jones-Puthoff (301) 763-6438
Institutionalized Population NCHS
International Census Bureau Wan He (301) 763-1374
International NCHS Sam Notzon (301) 458-4402
International SSA Barbara Kritzer (202) 358-6213
Living Arrangements Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2416
Marital Status Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2416
Projections (National) Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2438
Projections (State) Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2438
Projections (Actuarial) SSA Alice Wade (410) 965-3009
Race Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2402
Race/Ethnicity NCHS Jacqueline Lucas (301) 458-4355
Rural Aging HRSA Joan Van Nostrand (301) 443-0835
Rural & Nonmetropolitan Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-2419
Rural & Nonmetropolitan NCHS Mark Eberhardt (301) 458-4201
Veterans Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3239
Veterans GAO Cynthia Bascetta (202) 512-7207
Veterans Demographic Information  VA Lija Guo (202) 461-1049
Characteristic Agency Contact/Email Telephone
Earnings BLS Staff (202) 691-6378
Earnings/Statistics SSA Greg Diez (410) 965-5530
Economic FTC Connie Wagner (202) 326-3309
Income Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3243
Income Security GAO Alicia Cackley (202) 512-7022
Labor Force Data BLS Staff
(202) 691-6378
Poverty Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3213
Research/Retirement SSA Joyce Manchester (202) 358-6404
Retirement Issues GAO Alicia Cackley (202) 512-7022
Retirement Policy SSA Pat Vinkenes (202) 258-6110
Retirement Research/Simulation Models SSA Howard Iams (202) 385-6217
Retirement/Statistics SSA Rona Blumenthal (410) 965-0163
Simulation Model Research SSA David Pattison (202) 358-6240
Social Security Bulletin
SSA Karyn Tucker (202) 358-6267
Supplemental Security Income/Statistics SSA Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016
Survivors Insurance SSA Rona Blumenthal (410) 965-0163
Characteristic Agency Contact/Email Telephone
Activities of Daily Living NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Ambulatory Care NCHS Catharine Burt (301) 458-4126
Arthritis NIH/NIAMS Reva Lawrence (301) 594-5014
Cardiovascular Disease NIH/NHLBI Thomas Tom (301) 435-0710
Deaths NCHS Donna Hoyert (301) 458-4279
Death Rates NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Dental Health NCHS Bruce Dye (301) 458-4199
Diabetes NCHS Mark Eberhardt (301) 458-4201
Disability DHHS/ACF/ADD Diane Winford (202) 690-5963
Disability DOE David Keer (202) 205-5633
Disability NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Disability Research SSA John Kearney (410) 965-6386
Disability Research/ Evaluation SSA Kalman Rupp (202) 358-6216
Disability/SSI Policy SSA Richard Balkus (202) 358-6012
Environment EPA Kathy Sykes (202) 564-3651
Epidemiology Requests SSA Mike Risha (410) 966-4868
Health and Diet NCHS Anne Looker (301) 458-4352
Health Care DHHS/ODPHP Ann Marie Lee (202) 690-2481 
Health Care HRSA Kathleen Bond (301) 443-8681
Health Status USDA Mike Haga (703) 305-2613
Healthy People 2010 DHHS/ODPHP Deborah Maiese (202) 401-5809
Healthy People 2010 HRSA Melissa Clarke (301) 443-5277
Injury NCHS Margaret Warner (301) 458-4556
Last Year of Life NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Life Cycle NIH/NICHD Christine Bachrach (301) 496-1174
Life Expectancy
NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Lifetime Medical Costs NCHS Staff (301) 458-4354
Limitation of Activity NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Long Term Care AHRQ William Spector (301) 594-6820
Long Term Care NCHS Lauren Harris-Kojetin (301) 458-4369
Medicaid CMS Office of Info. Services (410) 786-0165
Medicare CMS Office of Info. Services (410) 786-3689
Mental Health NCHS Laurie Pratt (301) 458-4447
Mental Health SAMHSA Lisa Park (240) 276-2241
Mortality NCHS Robert Anderson (301) 458-4073
Nursing Homes NCHS Lauren Harris-Kojetin (301) 458-4369
Physical Fitness DHHS/ODPHP Christine Spain (202) 690-5148
Women's Health DHHS/ODPHP Saralynn Mark (202) 690-7650
Characteristic Agency Contact/Email Telephone
Behavioral & Social NSF Cheryl Eavey (703) 292-5111
Behavioral & Social Research NIH/NIA Georgeanne Patmios (301) 496-3131
Behavioral & Social Sciences Research NIH/OBSSR Ronald Abeles (301) 496-7859
Crime DOJ Duane Ragan (202) 307-2021
Crime (Statistics) DOJ Patsy Klaus  
Crime (Statistics) DOJ Larry Greenfeld (202) 616-3281
Housing HUD Mark Schroder (202) 708-0614
Housing HUD Carolyn Lynch (202) 402-5910
Housing Conditions Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3237
Population & Housing USDA Sue Harris-Green (202) 720-1660
Productivity & Technology DOL Linda Moeller (202) 691-5035
Substance Abuse SAMHSA Lisa Park (240) 276-2241
Transportation DOT Elizabeth Alicandri (202) 366-4000
Transportation DOT Essie Wagner (202) 366-1361
Transportation DOT
John Eberhard (202) 366-5595
Characteristic Agency Contact/Email Telephone
Aging-Related Statistics Federal Forum Traci Cook (301) 458-4082
Current Population Survey BLS Staff (202) 691-6378
Current Population Survey Census Bureau Gregory Weyland (301) 763-3806
Data Resources AoA Robert Hornyak (202) 357-0150
Data Resources Indian Health Service Edna Paisano (301) 443-1537
Data Resources NIH/NCI Brenda Edwards (301) 496-8506
Data Resources Library of Congress Carol O'Shaughnessy (202) 707-7329
Data Warehouse on Trends in Health and Aging NCHS Staff (301) 458-4241
Decennial Census Census Bureau Staff (301) 763-3770
Longitudinal Studies of Aging NCHS Julie Dawson Weeks (301) 458-4562
Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey CMS Gerry Adler (410) 786-7938
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey AHRQ Karen Beaureguard (301) 594-0454
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (Nursing Home Component) AHRQ D.E.B. Potter (301) 594-1061
Nat’l Health and Nutrition Examination Survey NCHS Clifford Johnson (301) 458-4292
NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study NCHS Staff (301) 458-4164
National Health Interview Survey NCHS Jane Gentleman (301) 458-4001
National Health Interview Survey on Disability NCHS Jane Gentleman (301) 458-4001
National Home and Hospice Care Survey NCHS Barbara Haupt (301) 458-4263
Nat’l Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey NCHS Catharine Burt (301) 458-4126
National Hospital Discharge Survey NCHS
Robert Pokras (301) 458-4439
National Longitudinal Survey BLS NLS Staff (202) 691-7410
National Medical Expenditure Survey AHRQ D.E.B. Potter (301) 594-1061
National Mortality Followback Survey NCHS Jim Weed (301) 458-4561
National Nursing Home Survey NCHS Lauren Harris-Kojetin (301) 458-4369
National Nursing Home Follow-up Survey NCHS Staff (301) 458-4469
National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery NCHS Robert Pokras (301) 458-4439
Policy (Senate Special Committee on Aging) Senate Staff (202) 224-5364
SSA Data Sharing Agreements SSA Joel Packman (410) 965-5530
SSA OP Library SSA Concepcion McNeace (202) 358-6276
SSA OP Web Master SSA Laurie Brown (202) 358-6406
SSA Publication Requests SSA Karyn Tucker (202) 358-6274
SAMHSA Policy & Program Coordination SAMHSA Lisa Park (240) 276-2241
Survey of Consumer Finances Federal Reserve System Arthur Kennickell (202) 452-2247
Survey of Income & Program Participation Census Bureau Jason Fields (301) 763-3242
VA Surveys VA Marybeth Matthews
Laura Bowman
(202) 273-9179
(202) 461-7108